XVI International conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications – AMPL-2023

September 10-15, 2023, Tomsk

Submitted reports

  1. M.S. Trtica, M. Kuzmanovic, J. Savovic, D. Rankovic, J. Stasic
    LIBS Light-Hydrogen Isotopes Detection: Significance in Nuclear/Fusion Technology
  2. V.V. Prischepa, V.E. Skiba, D.A. Vrazhnov, Yu.V. Kistenev
    Gas mixtures IR absorption spectra decomposition using a deep neural network  
  3. G.N. Zvereva, I.Y. Kirtsideli
    VUV irradiation of microorganisms in the aquatic environment
  4. S.I. Yaresko, A.T. Kozakov, G.V. Guseva, V.I. Sherbakov, A.V. Sidashov
    Tribological characteristics of the multicomponent iron-based alloys surface after laser modification  
  5. S.I. Yaresko, I.A. Antoshin
    Laser continuous treatment of gas-thermal coatings WC-10Co-4Cr  
  6. V.A. Novikov, S.I. Yaresko, G.V. Guseva
    The effect of laser radiation on structural changes in steels of increased heat resistance
  7. L. Fiorani
    Scientific and technological challenges for food analysis by laser photoacoustic spectroscopy  
  8. Selin Anton Aleksandrovich, Antoshkin Leonid Vladimirovich, Lavrinova Lidia Nikolaevna, Lavrinov Vitaly Valerievich
    Improvement of an adaptive optical system stand for stabilization and correction of turbulent distortions of laser radiation
  9. V.E. Skiba, V.V. Prischepa, D.A. Vrazhnov,Y.V. Kistenev, A.V. Borisov, Altynbekov A.A.
    A gas-sample IR absorption spectra denoising using deep learning  
  10. Geints Yu.E., Panina E.K.
    Simulation of the photonic nanojets effect from a cluster of ordered homogeneous nanospheres  
  11. Babushkin P.A., Iglakova A.N., Oshlakov V.K.
    Dependence of the luminescence of molecular nitrogen in the filamentation region on the energy and duration of femtosecond radiation
  12. E. S. Slyunko , N. N. Yudin , A. I. Knyazkova, M. M. Zinoviev, V. S. Kuznetsov , M. S. Snegerev, S. N. Podzyvalov , A. Y. Kalsin ., A. B. Lysenko, M. A. Cheremis
    Effect of Mg and Ca impurity atoms on the optical properties of ZnGeP2 single crystals