XV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric physics"

June 22-29, 2008, Krasnoyarsk, Russia

Participant Organizations

Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia

List of reports:

  1. D.V. Apeksimov, N.S. Zakharov, А.А. Zemlyanov, A.M. Kabanov, G.G. Matvienko, N.G. Ryzhov, S.V. Kholod, S.B. Bodrov, A.N. Stepanov
    Interaction between femtosecond laser pulses and optical condensed media
  2. V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev
    Decrease of the light wave fluctuations in coherent turbulence.
  3. V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev, V.M. Grigoriev, P.G. Kovadlo
    A surface layer astroclimatic characteristics in the Sayan solar observatory
  4. V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev, V.M. Grigoriev, P.G. Kovadlo
    Measurements of the astroclimate characteristics nearby LSVT entrance mirror.
  5. V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev, V.M. Grigoriev, P.G. Kovadlo
    Astroclimatic measurements in HST - telescope.
  6. V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev, V.M. Grigoriev, P.G. Kovadlo, P.G. Papushev
    Repeated testing the under dome astroclimate of telescope AZT -33.
  7. V.S. Kozlov, M.V. Panchenko, E.P. Yausheva
    Submicron aerosol and soot in the near-ground layer in diurnal behavior
  8. V.S. Kozlov, M.V. Panchenko, V.V. Pol’kin, V.P. Shmargunov, E.P. Yausheva
    About contribution of coarse particles into the mass concentration of soot in near-ground aerosol
  9. V.V. Dudorov, V.V. Kolosov, G.A. Filimonov, S.Yu. Ogloblin
  10. K.V. Kalinin, A.D. Bykov
    The moment constant summabilty method with specialized weight. development and the test on model problems.
  11. Yu.G. Borkov, O.N.Sulakshina, A.V. Mazyar
    Global treatment of high-resolution spectra for radical OH
  12. V.V. Zuev, V.D. Burlakov, S.I. Dolgii, A.V. Nevzorov, O.A. Romanovskii, A.V. Elnikov
    Lidar for measurements of ozone distribution in the upper troposphere – lower stratosphere.