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SPIE Proceedings Volume: 3983 Sixth International Symposium on Atmospheric and Ocean Optics Editor(s): Matvienko, Gennadii G.; Lukin, Vladimir P. Published: 11/1999 |
2 History of the foundation and development of the Institute of Atmospheric Optics of the Siberian Branch of the USSR Academy of Sciences
(currently known as the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences) [3983-01]
V. E. Zuev, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
9 Structural and spectral features of (H2O...HF)n complexes where n=1-3 [3983-02]
N. A. Zvereva, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia); Sh. Sh. Nabiev, Kurchatov Institute (Russia); Yu. N. Ponomarev, Institute of Atmospheric
Optics (Russia)
16 Atmospheric characteristics for polarized radiation propagation [3983-03]
V. G. Oshlakov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
26 Aerosol optical parameters in Kazakhstan for the summer and autumn seasons [3983-04]
S. V. Petelina, Stockholm Univ. (Sweden); L. A. Egorova, V. N. Glushko, Space Research Institute (Kazakhstan)
32 Two-parameter model of aerosol extinction in the wavelength range 0.4 to 12 µm [3983-05]
N. N. Shchelkanov, Yu. A. Pkhalagov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
36 Electro-optical relationship in aerosol atmosphere [3983-06]
E. V. Ovcharenko, V. A. Donchenko, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia); M. V. Kabanov, Yu. I. Kulakov, Institute of Optical Monitoring
(Russia); M. V. Panchenko, S. A. Terpugova, Yu. A. Pkhalagov, V. N. Uzhegov, N. N. Shchelkanov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
42 Spring variability of the parameter of aerosol condensation activity [3983-07]
M. V. Panchenko, S. A. Terpugova, E. P. Yausheva, V. S. Kozlov, V. V. Polkin, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
49 Comparison of vision at mounts Maidanak, La Silla, and Paranal [3983-08]
S. Ilyasov, Sh. Ehgamberdiev, Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (Uzbekistan); M. S. Sarazin, European Southern Observatory (Germany); Y.
Tillayev, Ulugh Beg Astronomical Institute (Uzbekistan)
54 Measurements of concentrations of some aerosol-producing gases in the near-ground layer of the atmosphere [3983-09]
S. S. Vlasenko, L. S. Ivlev, St. Petersburg State Univ. (Russia)
63 Influence of total ozone content and cloudiness on scattered UV radiation fluxes on the Earth's surface [3983-10]
I. I. Ippolitov, M. V. Kabanov, Z. S. Teodorovich, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); V. V. Poddubny, O. V. Ravodina, Tomsk State
Univ. (Russia)
70 Aerosol scattering coefficient fluctuations under stable temperature stratification conditions in the atmospheric surface layer [3983-11]
N. A. Shefer, A. P. Rostov, I. A. Razenkov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
76 Influence of solar radiation on the variation of ozone concentration in the ground atmospheric layer [3983-12]
B. D. Belan, T. K. Sklyadneva, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
83 Influence of the atmospheric electric field on the polarization properties of the radiation scattered backwards from a marine atmosphere
Yu. I. Kulakov, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); V. A. Donchenko, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia); M. V. Kabanov, Institute of Optical
Monitoring (Russia)
90 Problems in the use of laser guide stars [3983-14]
V. P. Lukin, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
101 Reconstruction of the singular phase of optical speckle field from the measurements of wave-front slopes [3983-15]
V. P. Aksenov, O. V. Tikhomirova, A. A. Lisenko, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
108 Density of a real-plane zeros of a light wave in a turbulent medium [3983-16]
V. A. Tartakovski, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
112 Cylindrical adaptive lenses [3983-17]
O. A. Zayakin, M. Yu. Loktev, P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute (Russia); G. D. Love, A. F. Naumov, Univ. of Durham (UK)
118 Clearing aerosol in the condensation trail behind aircraft [3983-18]
A. N. Kucherov, Central Aerohydrodynamic Institute (Russia)
128 Multimode excitation of stimulated light scattering in spherical particles: the angular characteristics of scattered radiation [3983-19]
A. A. Zemlyanov, Yu. E. Geints, E. K. Chistyakova, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
137 Peculiarities of stimulated scattering in transparent droplets: influence of surface deformation caused by ponderomotive force [3983-20]
A. A. Zemlyanov, Yu. E. Geints, A. V. Pal'chikov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
146 Validity of the geometric optics limits for the case of inhomogeneous absorbing media [3983-21]
V. V. Dudorov, V. V. Kolosov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
154 Refraction curvatures of optical beams caused by inhomogeneous absorption [3983-22]
V. V. Dudorov, V. V. Kolosov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
160 Image restoration with an a-priori estimation of the point spread function [3983-23]
K. T. Protasov, V. V. Belov, N. V. Molchunov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
170 Restoration of fragments of satellite images of the Earth's underlying surface shadowed by haze and clouds [3983-24]
E. S. Artamonov, Tomsk Univ. of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Russia); K. T. Protasov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
179 Surface forest fire spreading to the fall-off of coniferous and deciduous trees [3983-25]
A. A. Dolgov, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia); V. V. Reino, R. Sh. Tsvyk, M. V. Sherstobitov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
186 Supervised classification of RESURS MSY-E data for recognizing predominant cone-bearing trees [3983-26]
V. I. Khamarin, Sukachev Institute of Forestry (Russia); K. T. Protasov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia); A. P. Serykh, Tomsk State Univ.
192 Recognition of faintly radiative objects for observations through a scattering layer [3983-27]
B. D. Borisov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
200 Using textural features of SAR images for decoding forest regions [3983-28]
S. A. Komarov, D. N. Lukyanenko, A. V. Yevtyushkin, Altai State Univ. (Russia)
206 Monitoring forest fires in Eastern Siberia from space [3983-29]
A. I. Sukhinin, Institute of Forestry (Russia); V. B. Kashkin, Krasnoyarsk Technical Univ. (Russia); E. I. Ponomarev, Institute of
Forestry (Russia)
215 Application of statistical criteria to dynamic images of aerosol plumes [3983-30]
B. N. Dmitriev, I. A. Sutorikhin, Institute for Water and Environmental
Problems (Russia)
221 Influence of turbulence on the formation of a focused laser beam image in a mirror reflection [3983-31]
V. M. Sazanovich, R. Sh. Tsvyk, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
229 Basic regularities in the development of optical breakdown in air in a mode of high electronic heat conductivity [3983-32]
S. A. Shishigin, V. I. Kokhanov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
235 Measurement accuracy of the true radial velocity in a turbulent atmosphere [3983-33]
A. P. Shelekhov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
241 Prediction of optical radiation propagation in thermodynamical inhomogeneous media with the use of information systems [3983-34]
A. A. Peshkov, M. M. Tarasenko, F. G. Shatrov, T. Yu. Sheludyakov, O. K. Voitsekhovskaya, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia)
250 Modern concept of a spaceborne lidar [3983-35]
G. G. Matvienko, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
260 Structure of lidar return from sea water in small-angle multiple scattering approximation [3983-36]
V. V. Veretennikov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
271 Spatiotemporal structure of multiply scattered components of lidar return signals [3983-37]
V. V. Belov, A. B. Serebrennikov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
279 Peculiarities in spectral behavior of optical characteristics of urban aerosols by laser sensing data and model estimations [3983-38]
V. V. Barun, A. P. Ivanov, F. P. Osipenko, A. P. Chaikovsky, B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics (Belarus)
290 Statistical structure of aerosol fields in the boundary atmospheric layer [3983-39]
Yu. S. Balin, A. D. Ershov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
299 Measurement of slow air vertical motion in the atmosphere by micropulse lidar [3983-40]
I. A. Razenkov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia); H. Cha, D. Kim, J. Lee, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
306 Effects of uncertainties in atmospheric conditions on the accuracy of concentration measurements by the differential absorption method in the 9-
to 11-μm and 4.6- to 5.6-μm spectral ranges [3983-41]
A. I. Bril, A. P. Ivanov, V. P. Kabashnikov, N. V. Kuzmina, V. M. Popov, A. P. Chaikovsky, B.I. Stepanov Institute of Physics (Belarus)
315 Laser-induced fluorescence method in the problems of diagnostics of vegetative covers [3983-42]
G. G. Matvienko, A. I. Grishin, O. V. Kharchenko, O. A. Romanovskii, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
321 Algorithm for air density estimation by measuring parameters of test body movement based on the criteria of the minimum of generalized work functional [3983-43]
V. N. Trofimenko, K. V. Trofimenko, Rostov State Univ. (Russia)
328 Observations of abnormally powerful scattering with ISTP IS radar [3983-44]
A. P. Potekhin, O. I. Berngardt, V. I. Kurkin, B. G. Shpynev, G. A. Zherebtsov, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Russia)
336 Irkutsk incoherent scatter radar [3983-45]
G. A. Zherebtsov, A. V. Zavorin, V. E. Nosov, A. P. Potekhin, Institute of Solar-Terrestrial Physics (Russia)
344 New method of acoustic sounding of the parameters of atmospheric turbulence [3983-46]
L. G. Shamanaeva, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
350 Acoustic sounding of rain [3983-47]
S. V. Shamanaev, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
356 Effect of wind-driven waves on the retrieved extinction index of sea water during laser sensing with different field-of-view angles [3983-48]
G. P. Kokhanenko, M. M. Krekova, I. E. Penner, V. S. Shamanaev, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia); G. D. Ludbrook, A. M. Scott, Defense Evaluation and Research Agency Malvern (UK)
364 Algorithms for reconstruction of the extinction coefficient profile in sea water from multiply scattered lidar signals [3983-49]
V. V. Veretennikov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
372 Retrieving ozone profile from measurements of direct solar radiation in the visible spectral region [3983-50]
M. N. Eremenko, Tomsk State Univ. of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Russia); M. Yu. Kataev, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
377 Third- and fourth-order statistical moments of the turbulent fluctuations of wind velocity and temperature [3983-51]
A. L. Afanas'ev, V. A. Banakh, A. P. Rostov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
386 Development and testing of the lidar gas analyzing complex [3983-52]
Yu. M. Andreev, P. P. Geiko, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); I. V. Sherstov, Institute of Laser Physics (Russia)
395 ZnGeP2 crystal is the leader among nonlinear crystals for the middle IR [3983-53]
Yu. M. Andreev, A. V. Vernik, P. P. Geiko, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); V. G. Voevodin, O. V. Voevodina, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia)
407 Optimization of polarization lidar structure [3983-54]
A. I. Abramochkin, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); B. V. Kaul, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia); A. A. Tikhomirov, Institute of
Optical Monitoring (Russia)
417 Programming and instrumental methods for increasing the accuracy of receiving and recording lidar returns [3983-55]
A. V. Nevzorov, V. N. Marichev, P. A. Khryapov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
422 Estimation of the spatial distribution of a laser beam from the ratios of geometrical factors [3983-56]
I. A. Razenkov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia); H. Cha, D. Kim, J. Lee, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
428 Laser system: powerful XeCl* laser-dye laser for ecological monitoring of the atmosphere [3983-57]
T. N. Kopylova, G. V. Mayer, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia); V. F. Tarasenko, High Current Electronics Institute (Russia); R. T. Kuznetsova,
L. G. Samsonova, V. A. Svetlichnyi, E. N. Tel'minov, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia); S. V. Mel'chenko, S. E. Kunts, E. H. Baksht,
A. N. Panchenko, High Current Electronics Institute (Russia); E. A. Andrushak, A. L. Onitschenko, Scientific Research
Institute of Space Equipment (Russia)
438 Measurement of pulsed signals by an adaptive compensation method [3983-58]
V. I. Shishlov, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia)
443 Parabolic high-frequency acoustic antennas [3983-59]
V. Yu. Ivanov, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); N. P. Krasnenko, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
450 Coherent emission sources tunable in a wide range for a CH4 lidar [3983-60]
Yu. M. Andreev, P. P. Geiko, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); M. V. Alampiev, E. M. Shvom, IT-Lagran Co., Ltd. (Russia); M.
Yu. Kataev, Tomsk Univ. of Control Systems and Radioelectronics (Russia)
458 Lidar receiver spatial filters for recording multiple scattering [3983-61]
A. I. Abramochkin, S. A. Abramochkin, A. A. Tikhomirov, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia)
463 Radio-optical technique for diagnostics of road surface condition [3983-62]
E. A. Vagner, A. V. Efremov, A. F. Zhukov, A. R. Penart, R. Sh. Tsvyk, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
470 Problems in monitoring and modeling radiation fluxes in the Earth's atmosphere [3983-63]
M. V. Kabanov, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia)
476 Using TEA CO2 laser radiation harmonics in helicopterborne lidar for controling leakage of toxic and dangerously explosive gases [3983-64]
A. I. Karapuzikov, Institute of Laser Physics (Russia); G. G. Matvienko, Yu. N. Ponomarev, I. V. Ptashnik, O. A. Romanovskii, O. V.
Kharchenko, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia); I. V. Sherstov, Institute of Laser Physics (Russia)
488 Ecological monitoring of methane, carbon oxides, and dinitrogen monoxide in air by Fourier-transform spectroscopy [3983-65]
Yu. I. Baranov, E. L. Baranova, F. V. Kashin, Institute of Experimental Meteorology (Russia)
493 Measurements of water vapor and methane contents in the atmosphere using several modifications of the spectroscopic method and instrumentation
F. V. Kashin, N. Ye. Kamenogradsky, Institute of Experimental Meteorology (Russia); Ye. I. Grechko, A. V. Dzhola, Institute
of Atmospheric Physics (Russia); A. V. Poberovsky, M. V. Makarova, St. Petersburg State Univ. (Russia)
499 Investigation of phenol phototransformation in aqueous solution by electronic spectroscopy and luminescence methods [3983-67]
O. N. Tchaikovskaya, I. V. Sokolova, N. B. Sultimova, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia)
505 Variability of the meteorological state of the lower atmosphere [3983-68]
N. P. Krasnenko, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia); P. G. Stafeev, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia)
514 Optical phenomena caused by radioactivity in the atmosphere and their use in remote ecological monitoring [3983-69]
L. K. Chistyakova, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
522 Statistical reconstruction of temperature and wind profiles as applied to the problem of numerical forecasting of atmospheric pollution
processes over limited areas [3983-70]
V. S. Komarov, A. V. Kreminskii, N. Ya. Lomakina, K. Ya. Sinyova, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
530 Gas analyzers to detect nitrogen and sulfur oxides in the gas effluents from heat and electric power plants [3983-71]
A. A. Azbukin, M. A. Buldakov, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); B. V. Korolev, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia); V. A. Korolkov, I. I. Matrosov,
Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia)
534 Raman scattering from vibrationally excited N2 and O2 molecules [3983-72]
M. A. Buldakov, Institute of Optical Monitoring (Russia); B. V. Korolev, Tomsk State Univ. (Russia); I. I. Matrosov, Institute of Optical Monitoring
538 Research of the ozone layer using satellite data [3983-73]
V. B. Kashkin, A. A. Gomonov, Krasnoyarsk State Technical Univ. (Russia); A. I. Sukhinin, Institute of Forestry (Russia); A. S. Tiskova,
Ctr. of Hydrometeorology (Russia)
544 Mathematical models for monitoring and forecasting atmospheric aerosol spreading [3983-74]
V. V. Penenko, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (Russia)
553 Information-computational system: integrated model of atmospheric optics [3983-75]
E. P. Gordov, Yu. L. Babikov, B. D. Belan, V. F. Golovko, M. V. Panchenko, O. B. Rodimova, A. Z. Fazliev, Institute of Atmospheric Optics
562 Simple models for the dynamics of complex atmospheric-optical processes [3983-76]
E. P. Gordov, O. B. Rodimova, A. Z. Fazliev, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
572 Geoinformation systems for regional environmental studies [3983-77]
Yu. Polichtchouk, E. Kozin, V. Ryuhko, O. Tokareva, Institute of Petroleum Chemistry (Russia)
578 Information-computational system: atmospheric chemistry [3983-78]
D. P. Adamov, A. Yu. Akhlyostin, A. Z. Fazliev, E. P. Gordov, A. S. Karyakin, S. A. Mikhailov, O. B. Rodimova, Institute of Atmospheric Optics
584 Multiple model of inhomogeneous aerosol field for numerical testing of a lidar system [3983-79]
I. A. Razenkov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia); H. Cha, D. Kim, J. Lee, Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
591 Applicability of regression methods to reconstructing missing data in lidar sensing of the atmosphere [3983-80]
V. S. Komarov, Yu. B. Popov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
600 Software for modeling chemical kinetics by parallel programming methods for a computer cluster [3983-81]
D. P. Adamov, A. Z. Fazliev, S. A. Mikhailov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
608 Geoinformation interactive system as a random multifactor optical filter for forecasting and recording atmospheric influences on the
activities of ground- and space-based optoelectronic systems [3983-82]
A. I. Isakova, Yu. D. Kopytin, V. V. Nosov, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
617 Executive system utility of an interactive computer system for calculating accuracy and optical and power characteristics of
optoelectronic devices [3983-83]
A. I. Isakova, O. B. Smal, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
625 Atmospheric chemistry database: structure, interface, and applications [3983-84]
A. Z. Fazliev, A. S. Karyakin, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
632 Modeling radiation absorption by water vapor in the atmosphere within the 0- to 20,000-cm1 spectral range [3983-85]
V. F. Golovko, Institute of Atmospheric Optics (Russia)
641 Automation of numerical experiments for solving stochastic problems of transport theory by the Monte Carlo method [3983-86]
B. A. Kargin, A. E. Lavrentiev, Institute of Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Geophysics (Russia)
649 Author Index