Тринадцатый международный симпозиум-школа "Молекулярная спектроскопия высокого разрешения"
04-06 июля 1999 года, Томск
Приглашенные докладчики
- A.G. Beresin (Russia) Analytical applications of tunable diode lasers
- D. Bermejo (Spain) Double resonance Raman - Raman spectroscopy
- A. Campargue (France) Intracavity laser spectroscopy: capabilities and limitations
- M. Carlotti (Italy) Recent advances in submillimetre remote sensing of the stratosphere
- C. Camy-Peyret (France) Remote sensing spectroscopic measurements of atmospheric trace species
- B. Girard (France) Pump-probe spectroscopy and coherent control in alcoli atoms and dimers
- A.P. Kouzov (Russia) New trends in the line mixing theory
- Sh.Sh. Nabiev (Russia) Spectroscopic exhibitions of structural non-rigidity in simple and complex molecular systems
- J. Orphal (Germany) Laboratory spectroscopy and remote sensing of the atmospheric molecules and radicals
- M.W. Sigrist (Switzerland) Laser spectroscopic sensing of air pollutants
- L.N. Sinitsa (Russia) Intracavity laser spectroscopy. 30 - year development
- S.A. Tashkun (Russia) Global fittings of high resolution data of triatomic molecules
- O.N. Ulenikov (Russia) Extended local mode approach
- A.Vigasin (Russia) Infrared and Raman spectroscopy of matrix isolated and gas-phase carbon dioxide dimers