V International Conference "Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers"

September 09-14, 2001, Tomsk, Russia

First Announcement

The Fifth International Conference "Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers" will be held in Tomsk, Russia from Sunday, September 9th to Friday September 14th, 2001 The International Conference is organized by

  1. Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk
  2. Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Tomsk
  3. Tomsk State University, Tomsk
  4. SPIE Russian Chapter

Co-Chairman: Prof. V. Tarasenko, Institute of High Current Electronics, Tomsk
Co-Chairman: Prof. G.V. Mayer, Tomsk State University, Tomsk
Co-Chairman-editor: G.G. Petrash
Scientific secretary: Dr. G. Evtushenko, Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk

Scientific Program includes the following topics:

  1. gas and plasma lasers.
  2. metal vapor lasers.
  3. dye lasers and photoprocesses in complex organic molecules.
  4. physical processes in gas lasers.
  5. laser systems and their applications.
  6. noncoherent UV and VUV sources.
  7. laser output conversion.
  8. optoelectronic devices.

Call for papers

Abstracts of papers should be submitted before March 31, 2001 in camera-ready form.
Typing Instructions:
  1. Cover page:
    1. Title,
    2. Author(s), with presenting author's name underlined,
    3. Affiliation and full address of author(s).
  2. Maximum 200 words in English.
  3. Send the original electronic version by address: qel@asd.iao.ru and copy vnyu@phys.tsu.ru.
  4. Abstracts will be reproduced as submitted.
The abstracts of all the accepted papers will be published and distributed at the Conference. The invited and selected contributed papers will be published in special Issue of SPIE Proceedings.

The papers will be presented as

  • Invited lectures (30 min),
  • Oral presentations (15 min),
  • Poster presentations with brief oral comments (5min),
  • Poster presentations,
  • Round-table discussion on new laser applications


To participate in the Conference you are kindly requested to submit a filled-in application form (available on this website) before March 31, 2001. Total conference fee registration and social program is as follow:
  • active participant: 150 USD
  • accompanying person: 50 USD

With all questions and information you are welcome to contact scientic secretary G.S.Evtushenko E-Mail: QEL@asd.tomsk.su

The Conference will be sponsored by

Abstract Deadline: March 31, 2001