The XVI Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 05-10, 2009, lake Baikal, Russia

Third Announcement

The XVI Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy will be held July 5-10 2009, on the shores of Lake Baikal near Irkutsk. In the framework of the Symposium a mini-symposium entitled "Intermolecular complexes in natural environment: from dimers to clusters" will be organized.

Yurii N. PONOMAREV (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk, Russia)
Leonid N. SINITSA (Institute of Atmospheric Optics, Tomsk, Russia)


Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
Irkutsk State Technical University, Irkutsk, Russia
Research council on atomic and molecular spectroscopy RAS, Moscow, Russia


Bruker Corporation, Russian Division, Moscow, Russia
Optical Society of America, (OSA), Washington, USA

Program of the symposium:
1. High resolution spectroscopy of molecules, including radicals, ions, complexes.
2. Theory of molecular systems and computational methods.
3. Spectroscopy of intermolecular interactions in gases.
4. Spectroscopic aspects of intramolecular dynamics and photodissociation.
5. Experimental techniques and methods. Analytical spectroscopy.

The symposium schedule will include:
1. Invited lectures (45 min)
2. Oral presentations (15 min)
3. Poster sessions

The online registration will be opened from January 15, 2009 at Online Registration. You can also download our fill-out-form from Extra info or requested it by e-mail from the Organizing Committee.
The registration fees are given in the table below (in EUR). The price includes the Irkutsk-Listvyanka return trip, conference participation, publication of the abstracts and proceedings, rent of space and equipment for the conference sessions, an evening party and an excursion to Like Baikal.
Instructions for payment will be available on the symposium web site at Extra info after January 15, 2009.


before May 15, 2009
after May 15, 2009
Regular participant
Accompany person

The Pribaikalskaya Hotel is the symposium hotel. It is comfortable and the most convenient hotel for conference participants. The number of participants is limited to 130. The hotel rates are between 1580 rubles (35 EUR) and 3950 rubles (90 EUR). The hotel rates and other details can be found on the hotel web site. Participants should make his choice and inform the Organizing Committee about it.

Abstract submission
The abstracts have to be submitted before May 15, 2009 using the online registration form or by e-mail to Semen Mikhailenko. They should be prepared in "MS Word for Windows" formats (DOC, RTF). The abstract must fit on one A4 page (11pt Times New Roman typeface, all text single-spaced) including title, list of authors, text, figures, and references. An example of an abstract can be downloaded from Extra info.

The Book of Abstracts will be published before the beginning of the symposium. Contributions presented at the symposium will be published in the International Conference Proceedings of the American Institute of Physics. All authors are invited to submit their manuscripts in electronic form to the Organizing Committee before September 15, 2009. The guidelines for preparing papers can be found on the AIP web site

Address of the organizing committee:
HighRus-2009 Scientific Secretary
Semen N. Mikhailenko,
Institute of Atmospheric Optics,
1, Akademicheskii av.,
634055, Tomsk, Russia
Fax (+7) 3822 492086

We are looking forward to seeing you at the conference!