XVII International conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications – AMPL-2025
September 14-19, 2025, Tomsk
Second Announcement
Dear colleagues,
Arrangements for the XVII International Conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications AMPL-2025 (Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers) are going on.
General information
The AMPL Conference, which is held in Tomsk biennially, is the greatest scientific forum on this subject in the Commonwealth of Independent States. In 2025, by decision of the Organizing Committee, the Conference is timed to coincide with the 100th anniversary of Academician V.E. Zuev and will be held from the 14th to the 19th of September. The Conference is going to be organized in the traditional offline format. Meanwhile the online format is still available for participants who don’t have the opportunity to take part in the Conference in person due to the restrictions of international flights.
The following topical areas will be considered at the Conference: new laser transitions; laser pumping systems; peculiarities of energy input into laser active media; up-to-date power supplies and active elements; lasers with a complex composition of active media; investigation of photoprocesses in organic compounds; materials for optoelectronics; non-linear processes in molecular systems under laser emission; conversion of laser radiation in crystal and gaseous media; color center laser; harmonic generators of sum and difference frequencies; new materials for laser emission conversion; carbon-based electronics and photonics; synthesis of materials etc.
Within the Conference, peculiar attention will be paid to laser applications in different areas of science and engineering (ecology, medicine, industry, fight against terrorism, research activities, etc.), discussion of problems of laser-based apparatus development, new optical technologies, as well as to exchange of practical experience on the application of the achievements of science to production and project commercialization. The AMPL Conference is a traditional place for meeting potential partners, optical devices manufacturers, customers, and executors of research efforts and experimental development.
The Conference will include lectures, oral and poster presentations.
The Conference scientific program offers the following sessions:
Promising Media for Lasers and Optoelectronic Devices Development (session A);
Discharges for Lasers and Non-Coherent Radiation Sources (session B);
Photonics in Remote Studies of Environment (session F);
Biophotonics (session G);
Photophysical Processes, Conversation of Laser Radiation, Nonlinear Optics and Laser Synthesis of Nanostructures (session H). Round table dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the creation of the first spectroscopy laboratory in Siberia by N.A. Prilezhaeva.
Carbon Materials in Quantum Electronics, Photonics and Optoelectronics (session I);
Plenary Session (session P)
The School for young scientists (younger than 35 years by 31 December 2025), students and postgrads AMPL-School and a competition for them will be held. A competition will take place within the session Y (session of young scientists) in two categories: for participants with the scientific degree and without it.
Abstracts of reports and the Conference program will be posted on the Conference website. In addition to publishing abstracts in English, a Collection of full-text (3 to 6 pages) papers in Russian will be published on the website, with ISBN assigned to the Collection, DOI for each paper, and indexation of each paper in the Russian Science Citation Index (RSCI). Each paper will be reviewed by two reviewers. The Collection will be published in 2025.
The papers selected by the Organizing Committee will be published in expanded form in the Proceedings of SPIE. Conference participants will have the opportunity to publish selected and recommended papers in a special issue of the journals «Optika Atmosfery i Okeana» (2026). The rules for submitting manuscripts can be found on the websites of these journals.
Please note that the cost of publishing one full-text paper in the Collection in Russian with assignment of DOI is included in the participant's registration fee. Subsequent articles are paid for separately, the cost is 20 €.
The rules for the design of papers correspond to the rules of the journal «Optika Atmosfery i Okeana». The template for preparing a manuscript for the Collection of papers based on the Conference materials can be found on the Conference website in the «Additional Information» section. To submit a paper to the Collection, please send the materials to the Organizing Committee indicating the number of the report for which the paper is being submitted. The Organizing Committee reminds that all materials submitted to the Conference are open and must not contain information that constitutes a state or commercial secret. In this regard, it is necessary to prepare the documents on the possibility of open publication.
The start of accepting applications for participation and registration of abstracts is December 1, 2024. The deadline is May 5, 2025.
The start of accepting full-text paper materials in Russian for the Collection is January 27, 2025. The deadline is June 15, 2025.
The start of accepting paper materials in Russian in expanded form for the thematic issue of «Optika Atmosfery i Okeana» is January 27, 2025. The deadline is August 31, 2025.
The start of accepting SPIE paper materials is January 27, 2025. The deadline is September 3, 2025.
Participation in the conference
To participate in the Conference, you must send an application and abstract of the report in electronic form (in DOC or DOCX format) to the Organizing Committee via the on-line form. The Organizing Committee strongly recommends that you carefully read the requirements for the design of report abstracts. The requirements are provided in the Template for the design of report abstracts in the «Additional Information» section.
A participant can present no more than one oral report per section and no more than two oral reports at the Conference.
When registering online, please read the rules for registration of participants and abstracts of papers in the section "Rules for online registration and submission of papers".
If you require visa support, you must fill out the application form. The organizing committee asks to submit applications no later than April 30, 2025.
The official language of the Conference is English. All demonstrative materials should be provided in English. Sound accompaniment for oral presentations should also be prepared in English. For poster presentations, authors can duplicate the English text in Russian. Standard software (MS Office) and a multimedia projector are provided for oral presentations and lectures. The poster presentation should be presented on a single sheet of A1 format. The poster template for presentation of papers at the poster section is provided in the «Additional Information» section. Please note that posters should be printed on A1 paper (841 x 594 mm). For out-of-town and foreign participants, the option of printing a poster is provided. The cost of printing is included in the registration fee. In order to take advantage of this opportunity, please send the prepared poster in PDF format to the Organizing Committee by e-mail before August 31.
Conference fee
The participation fee for the Conference is 200 $. The registration fee for the participant includes:
Participation in the conference with reports: no more than 4 reports are allowed, of which one oral report is allowed.
Participant's kit.
Welcome reception.
Attendance at all conference sections.
Attendance at coffee breaks.
Publication of abstracts in the conference abstract Collection (in electronic form).
Publication of one full-text paper in Russian in the paper Collection with assignment of DOI.
Possibility of submitting one paper to the thematic issue of the journal «Optika Atmosfery i Okeana».
Possibility of submitting a paper to SPIE Proceedings (paid separately, 100 $).
IMPORTANT: Publications are possible only if all required materials are submitted within the timeframe set by the Organizing Committee, as well as positive reviews of the papers. Each participant can publish full-text papers in collections of papers and in journals only within the framework of accepted reports. Each paper must be related to the report presented at the conference.
If you have not found a suitable payment option for you, please contact the Organizing Committee. To pay from the Organization's account, contact the Organizing Committee no later than August 1, 2025 to issue payment documents. Payment "on site" during the Conference days upon registration for participation is not possible.
The participants will be accommodated at the Rubin Hotel (subject to availability on the day of booking) in Tomsk Scientific Center. When booking through the Organizing Committee, the hotel provides a 20% discount to the Conference participants. RAS employees can take advantage of this discount when paying for the hotel on the website by checking the appropriate box in the booking form. Please note that when booking a room online through aggregator services, no discount is provided. The Rubin Hotel has a limited number of rooms, so the administration asks the Conference participants to make an early booking. You can check prices and book a room on the hotel website. The Organizing Committee can help you choose the best route to Tomsk. The rates of Aeroflot, S7 Airlines and Ural Airlines can be found on the websites of these companies and Tomsk Airport. Train tickets can be purchased on the Russian Railways website.
Looking forward to seeing you in Tomsk among the participants of the AMPL-2025 Conference!!!