The XV Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 18-21, 2006, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Invited speakers
- Reinhard Schinke (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization, Gottingen, Germany)
Theoretical investigation of the photodissociation of ozone
- Attila Geza Csaszar (Institute of Chemistry, Eötvös University, Budapest, Hungary)
Toward complete first-principles spectroscopy of triatomics
- Shuiming Hu (University of Science and Technology of China, Hefei, China)
Quantitative IR absorption spectroscopy study of some polyatomic molecules
- Alexander Vladimirovich Lapinov (Institute of Applied Physics RAS, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia)
Precise spectroscopy of astrophysically important species
- Sergei Glebovich Rautian (Physical Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia)
Fluctuations of a field formed by randomly spaced dipoles
- Alain Barbe (Université de Reims Champagne-Ardenne, Reims, France)
CW-CRDS spectra of ozone in the 6000 – 6750 cm-1 spectral region: More than 5000 transitions assigned
- Markus W. Sigrist (Institute of Quantum Electronics, Zurich, Switzerland)
Infrared laser spectroscopy and analysis of gases and vapors
- Andrey V. Stolyarov (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
Has the ratio of proton and electron masses been changed during the last 12-13 billion years?
- Mark S. Child (University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom)
Quantum monodromy and molecular spectroscopy
- Victor Pavlovich Kochanov (V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia)
Optical rectification in gas media
- Robert Georges (Université de Rennes, Rennes, France)
FTIR spectroscopy in extremely heated or cooled gas phase jets
- Alexander P. Shkurinov (Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia)
THz time-domain spectroscopy and spectrachronography of complex and biological molecules
- Livio Gianfrani (Seconda Università di Napoli, Naples, Italy)
Isotope ratio analysis by means of near- and mid-infrared laser spectrometry
- Michel Guelin (Institut de RadioAstronomie Millimétrique, Grenoble, France)
Identification and spectroscopy of exotic molecules in space
- Vladimir Anatolievich Shuvalov (Insitute of Basic Biological Problems RAS, Pushchino-on-Oka, Russia)
Vibrational coherence in bacterial reaction centers with genetically modified B–branch pigment composition