The XX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 03-07, 2023, lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Russia
Oral Reports
- Polyutov S.P., Kimberg V.V., Ignatova N.Yu., Blinov S.N., Krasnov P.O., Gel'mukhanov F.Kh.
Resonant x-ray scattering: A short review 
- Mosyagin N.S., Titov A.V., Oleynichenko A.V., Zaitsevskii A., Stolyarov A.V.
Generalized relativistic pseudopotentials for the light elements simulating the relativistic and QED effects 
- Kistenev Yu.V., Borisov A.V., Vrazhnov D.A., Skiba V.E., Prischepa V.V.
Breath air analysis using laser IR and terahertz spectroscopy and machine learning
- Simonova A.A., Ptashnik I.V.
Water vapour self-continuum absorption within the IR absorption bands: semiempirical dimer-based model 
- Lugovtsov A.E., Korneev K.N., Tuchin V.V., Priezzhev A.V.
Optical, fluorescence and spectrosсopic techniques to assess nanoparticles interaction with red blood cells
- Priezzhev A.V., Lugovtsov A.E., Ermolinsky P.B., Maksimov M.K., Nikitin S.Yu., Gurfinkel Yu.I., Dyachenko P.A.
Light scattering, capillaroscopy and laser speckle-contrast spectroscopy techniques in the study of blood microrheology and microcirculation
- Chesnokov E.N., Plastinina D.M., Kubarev V.V., Koshlyakov P.V.
Faraday effect on the absorption lines of hydroxyl radical. Experiments with the CW lasers and time-domain experiments at the terahertz NovoFEL 
- Vaks V.L., Domracheva E.G., Chernyaeva M.B., Anfertev V.A., Kistenev Yu.V.
THz spectroscopy for biology, medicine, ecology
- Buturlimova M.V., Bulychev V.P., Tokhadze K.G.
Calculation of structures, energetics and infrared absorption spectra of hydrogen-bonded dimers and trimers formed by formaldehyde with hydrogen fluoride 
- Asfin R.E., Domanskaya A.V., Maul C.
Self-perturbed rovibrational lines in the region of the first overtone of HBr. What I have learned from my mistakes 
- Meshcherinov V.V., Spiridonov M.V., Kazakov V.A., Rodin A.V.
Lidar-based infrared remote gas sensor for measuring the atmospheric air methane concentration 
- Ryabchikova T.А., Piskunov N.E., Pakhomov Yu.V.
Carbon and nitrogen abundance determination in stellar atmospheres by molecular lines