The XVI Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 05-10, 2009, lake Baikal, Russia
Extra Info
- Russia map (GIF, 19.6Kb)
- Baikal lake map
- HighRus-2009 location, village Listvyanka (JPG, 119Kb)
- Example of abstract (RTF, 40Kb)
- Second announcement (PDF, 108Kb)
- Payment instruction (PDF, 20Kb)
- Preliminary shedule (PDF, 29Kb)
- HighRus-2009 location (GoogleMap)
- Urban transportation in Irkutsk (PDF, 11Kb)
- Scientific pogram (PDF, 158 Kb)
- Third announcement (PDF, 93Kb)
- Some additional information (PDF, 84Kb)