VII International Conference "Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers"

September 12-16, 2005, Tomsk, Russia

Participant Organizations

Organization: Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia

List of reports:

  1. V.M. Orlovskiy, A.I. Suslov
    Emission Impact of Xe2–excilamp on Change of Phases in a Natural Gas – Water Vapor System
  2. E.I. Lipatov, V.F. Tarasenko, V.M. Lisitsyn,V.I. Oleshko
    Pulsed Cathodo- and Photoluminescence of Natural and Synthetic Diamond
  3. M.A. Shulepov, V.M. Orlovskii, A.N. Panchenko, E.I. Lipatov
    Specific impulse amplitude dependence on lasing parameters and target characteristics
  4. D. V. Shitz, M. V. Erofeev, M. I. Lomaev, V. S. Skakun, E. A. Sosnin, V. F. Tarasenko
    Sealed-off Excimer Spontaneous UV and VUV Radiation Sources
  5. V.F. Tarasenko
    Excilamps, and High-Power Pulse Lasers on Dense, and supershort electron beams Gases Developed at the Laboratory of Optical Radiation, HCEI SB RAS, and their Applications
  6. V.F. Tarasenko, S.B. Alekseev, I.D. Kostyrya, V.M. Orlovskii, V.S. Skakun
    Properties of plasma of volume nanosecond high-pressure discharge formed in non-uniform electric field and Supershort Electron Beams
  7. E.F. Balbanenko, N.T. Ivanov, V.F. Losev, V.E. Prokopiev
    Microelement Laser Spectrum Analyzer of Inorganic Materials and Biological Tissues