XI International Conference Atomic and Molecular Pulsed Lasers - AMPL
September 16-20, 2013, Tomsk, Russia
Oral Reports
- А.К. Zeinidenov, N.Kh. Ibrayev, Zh.Zh. Ospanova, А.R. Tenchurina, N.А. Savelyeva
Photoluminescence of Nanoporous Aluminum Oxide
- A.I. Fedorov, S.V. Melchenko, D.Yu. Starodubtsev, D.Yu. Baryshnikov, E.A. Kolmakov
Finding the Optimal Operation of the Light Source for Non-Invasive Transdermal Determination of Blood Glucose Levels
- M.V. Erofeev, E.Kh. Baksht, V.F. Tarasenko
Runaway Electron Beam Formation by Reflected Voltage Pulses in Pulsed-Periodic Mode
- O.K. Bazyl, V.Ya. Artyukhov, G.V. Mayer, G.B. Tolstorozhev, M.V. Bel'kov, I.V. Skornyakov
, O.I. Shadyro, V.L.Sorokin, G.A.Ksendzova
Manifestation of the Bioactives Indications in Spectral and Luminescent Properties of the o-aminophenol Derivatives
- A.N. Lobanov, O.V. Chesnokova
Laser Parameters Measuring Devices
- D.V.Apeksimov, E.E. Bykova, Yu.E.Geints, A.A.Zemlyanov, A.M.Kabanov, G.G.Matvienko, O.A.Bukin, S.S.Golik
Filamentation of Laser Pulses in Air, Liquids and Aerosol Media
- S.V. Alekseev, G.V. Lanskii, V.F. Losev, D.M. Lubenko, Yu.M. Andreev, A.V. Shaiduko
Two-Photon Absorption at Frequency Conversion of fs Pulses in GaSe:In
- E.Z. Dashinimaeva, M.V. Trigub
Hardware-Software System for High-Speed Laser Monitor
- M.A. Gerasimova, N.V. Sablin, E.A. Slyusareva
Erythrosin Phosphorescence Spectroscopy for the Study of Structural Changes in Proteins and Polysaccharides
Opening Address
- Spassovsky I.
Terahertz Radiation in Biological, Environmental Studies, and Imaging