XIV International Conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications – AMPL-2019
September 15-20, 2019, Tomsk
Participant Organizations
Organization: General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
List of reports:
- V.V. Apollonov, S.Yu. Kazantsev
High power/energy HF(DF) lasers based on a non-chain chemical reaction
- E.E. Alekseev, S.Yu. Kazantsev, I.G. Kononov, S.V. Podlesnykh, V.E. Rogalin
Size effects at transmission of high-power radiation from a pulsed non-chain HF laser through Ge, Fe2+:ZnS and Fe2+:ZnSe crystals
- A.A. Syrotkin, A.I. Lyashenko, N.N. Yudin, A.I. Gribenyukov, V.V. Dyomin, M.M. Zinovev, S.N. Podzyvalov
Generation of tuned THz-radiation on difference frequency in ZnGeP2 single crystal over pumping by double frequency radiation of parametric optical generator based on nonlinear KTP crystal
- V.S. Gorelik, V.V. Savranskii, P.P. Sverbil, M.R. Kupov, D. Bi, Yu.P. Voinov
Two-photon-excited luminescence in organic media when pumped with copper, gold and solid-state YAG: Nd3 + laser
- Bogachev N.N., Gusein-zade N.G., Kamynin V.A. , Kazantsev S.Yu., Podlesnykh S.V., Rogalin V.E., Shokhrin D.V., Trikshev A.I., Tsvetkov V.B., Zhluktova I.V.
Plasma antennas formed in a Ge crystal under laser irradiation
- Bokov P.M., Kazantsev S.Yu., Pan Q.K., Podlesnykh S.V., Ruan P., Xie J.J.
Hybrid laser systems for high-power IR lasers
- ,
LiGaS2 nonlinear crystal: The new aspects of production and application
- V.I. Kislov, E.N. OfitserovВ.И.
Caustic of Gaussian laser beam with field phase random distortions