XIV International Conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications – AMPL-2019
September 15-20, 2019, Tomsk
Participant Organizations
Organization: Institute of High Current Electronics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- Oleshko Vladimir Ivanovich, Nguyen Van Vu
Luminescence and radio emission from electric discharges induced by a high-current electron beam in atmospheric pressure air
- Erofeev M., Ripenko V., Shulepov M., Tarasenko V.
Generators of runaway electrons preionized diffuse discharge plasma and some of their application for surface modification
- Lubenko D.M., Prokopev V.E., Alekseev S.V., Ivanov M.V., Losev V.F.
THz emission efficiency in femtosecond laser-induced filament under different pumping conditions
- G.V. Lansky, Yu.M. Andreev, D.M. Lubenko, V.F. Losev, A.A. Mamrashev, N.A. Nikolaev
Generation of THz emission in nonlinear BBO crystal at room temperature
- Erofeev M., Ripenko V., Erofeev V., Dzhalilova S., Tarasenko V.
Conversion of propane-butane fraction into arenes on MFI zeolites activated by diffuse discharge plasma.
- I.A. Zyatikov, N.G. Ivanov, V.F. Losev, V.E. Prokopev
Temporal dynamics of superradiance by molecular nitrogen ions in air filament
- Burenina А, Erofeev M, Lipatov E, Sosnin E, Shulepov M
Presowing treatment of cereal seeds by UV radiation of XeCl excilamps
- A. A. Shavelyev, A. A. Shakirov, E. V. Lukinova, R. D. Aglyamov, A. K. Naumov, V. V. Semashko, A. S. Nizamutdinov, P. A. Palianov, Yu. N. Panchenko, S. М. Bobrovnikov
Growing LiCAF crystal with 3 at% Cr 3+ and studying its properties
- Genin Dmitriy, Lipatov Evgeniy, Ripenko Vasiliy, Shulepov Michail
Edge luminecence in synthetic diamonds ecited by UV laser radiation and electron beam
- Genin Dmitriy, Petrov Dmitriy, Zaripov Alexey, Lipatov Evgeniy
Raman spectroscopy of natural and synthetic diamonds
- G.G.Matvienko, V.E. Prokopev , V.K.Oshlakov, A.N. Iglakova
Superradiance of strontium ion upon optical pumping of atomic vapors by femtosecond laser radiation
- V.G. Sokovikov, A.V. Klimkin, V.E. Prokopiev
Investigation of the resonance radiation of atoms observed during UV excitation of barium and europium vapors