XIV International Conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications – AMPL-2019
September 15-20, 2019, Tomsk
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- A.V. Klimkin, G.P. Kokhanenko, A.N. Kuryak, V.G. Sokovikov, E.V. Obkhodskaya, А.V. Obkhodskiy, V.I. Sachkov
Lidar to search for residual heavy hydrocarbons 
- D.V. Apeksimov, A.V. Klimkin, A.N. Kurjak, M.V. Trigub
The use of optical methods of non-destructive testing to diagnose sources of damage to the blades of turbojet engines 
- A.V. Aphanasenko, Yu.E. Geynts, A.N. Gritsuta, A.V. Klimkin, K.Yu. Osipov, T.M. Petrova, I.V. Ptashnik, A.A. Solodov, A.M. Solodov, S.V. Latyntsev, A.V. Ovchinnikov, E.N. Yakimov
Measurement and calculation of light pressure on structural materials 
- K.Y. Semenov, V.F. Fedorov, M.V. Trigub
Low-current discharge in metal vapor lasers 
- E.Yu. Burkin, V.V. Sviridov, I.S. Musorov, S.N. Torgaev, G.S. Evtushenko, V.V. Drobchik
Storage capacitor charging source for a metal vapor active media pumping system 
- S.N. Torgaev, A.E. Kulagin, I.S. Musorov, G.S. Evtushenko
Copper bromide vapors active medium in the reduced energy input into the discharge mode investigation 
- A.V. Klimkin, G.P Kokhanenko, A.N. Kuryak, M.A. Kazaryan, А.V. Obkhodskiy, E.V. Obkhodskaya, V.I. Sachkov
Research on Fluorescence and Combination Scatter of Hydrocarbons 
- N.N. Yudin, A.N. Soldatov, A.S. Shumeiko, N.A. Yudin, V.Yu. Yurin
On the possibility of realization of THz radiation generated at the difference frequency in a single crystal ZnGeP2 when pumped by radiation of a strontium vapor laser 
- D.V. Apeksimov, Babushkin P.A., A.A. Zemlyanov, A.M. Kabanov, G.G. Matvienko,V.K. Oshlakov, A.V. Petrov
Lidar measurements of emission spectra of targets and aerosols excited by filamented femtosecond Ti:Sapphire laser pulses