XIV International Conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications – AMPL-2019

September 15-20, 2019, Tomsk

Submitted reports

  1. Vybornov Pavel
    Technical and physical parameters of the limitation of thermal ultrasonic sensors sensitivity  
  2. Vybornov Pavel
    Prospects for the application of uncooled metal bolometers in modern IR and THz systems  
  3. E.E. Alekseev, S.Yu. Kazantsev, I.G. Kononov, S.V. Podlesnykh, V.E. Rogalin
    Size effects at transmission of high-power radiation from a pulsed non-chain HF laser through Ge, Fe2+:ZnS and Fe2+:ZnSe crystals  
  4. A.E. Medvedev, P.A. Pinaev
    Missing gas discharge plasma contraction link  
  5. A. E. Medvedev, P. A. Pinaev ,
    Low-frequency polarization and gas discharge plasma pinching in scientific, technical and technological applications    
  6. Lipatov E.I., Genin D.E., Burumbaeva K.R., Dzyadukh S.M., Prudaev I.A.
    Free excitons in diamond  
  7. Khoroshman N.E., Lipatov E.I., Genin D.E., Dzyadukh S.M.
    Intrinsic defects in optical spectra of diamond  
  8. Vasilevskii M.D., Lipatov E.I., Genin D.E., Ripenko V.S., Khoroshman N.E.
    Impurity-defect complexes in the optical spectra of diamond  
  9. G.D. Chebotarev
    Numerical study of the dependences of the multiwave He-Sr laser parameters on the pressure and temperature of the active medium  
  10. G.D. Chebotarev
    Patterns of formation of the spatial characteristics of the recombination He-Sr laser active medium  
  11. V.F. Tarasenko, Ch. Zhang, E.Kh. Baksht, T. Shao, A.G. Burachenko, P. Yan
    Runaway electrons and X-rays emission in an air during discharges with long rise time of voltage pulses  
  12. Yu. N. Panchenko, A. V. Puchikin, V. F. Losev, A. B. Vorozhtsov, G. V. Sakovich
    The fluorescence of NO-radicals excited by a broadband VUV radiation