XVI International conference on pulsed lasers and laser applications – AMPL-2023

September 10-15, 2023, Tomsk

Submitted reports

  1. A.N. Panchenko, V.V. Kozhevnikov, V.F. Tarasenko
    VUV lasers based on high-pressure diffuse discharges  
  2. A.N. Panchenko, V.V. Kozevnikov, V.F. Tarasenko
    UV and VUV radiation of hydrogen, rare gases and nitrogen in diffuse discharges, formed in an inhomogeneous electric field

  3. Multiwave pulsed ion laser on silver vapors when using binary mixture of helium and neon as buffer gas
  4. V.A. Plotnikov, S.V. Makarov
    Structural state and electrophysical properties of carbon diamond-like films obtained by laser method
  5. P.I. Gembukh, K.Yu. Semenov, M.V. Trigub
    High-frequency copper bromide brightness amplifier for laser monitor
  6. M.I. Lomaev, V.F. Tarasenko
    Erosive action of plasma of a pulsed nanosecond high-voltage discharge on the surface of a flat anode  
  7. Bezlepkina N.P., Bocharnikova E.N., Tchaikovskaya O.N.
    The Effect of UV Excilamp Radiation on Aqueous Sulfaguanidine Solution
  8. Bocharnikova E.N., Tchaikovskaya O.N., Bazyl O.K., Mayer G.V.
    Experimental and theoretical study of antibiotic luminescence
  9. M.I. Lomaev
    Influence of the Beam Current on the Signal from the Current Shunt at a High-Voltage Nanosecond Discharge in Gas and Vacuum Diodes  
  10. Bocharnikova E.N., Tchaikovskaya O.N., Pomogaev V.A.
    Construction of optical spectra of some substituted phenols with GAMESS/Tinker
  11. E.V. Sapozhnikova, A.P. Pushkarev
    Wavelength tunable perovskite nanolasers
  12. HA. Baalbaki, N.A. Yudin
    Electro-physical processes in the discharge circuit of a copper vapor laser with different diameters of the discharge channel of gas-discharge tubes