XV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics, Atmospheric physics"
June 22-29, 2008, Krasnoyarsk, Russia
Author's Index
Author: Григорьев В.М. (Институт солнечно-земной физики СО РАН, Иркутск, Россия)
List of reports:
- V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev, V.M. Grigoriev, P.G. Kovadlo
A surface layer astroclimatic characteristics in the Sayan solar observatory
- V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev, V.M. Grigoriev, P.G. Kovadlo
Measurements of the astroclimate characteristics nearby LSVT entrance mirror.
- V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev, V.M. Grigoriev, P.G. Kovadlo
Astroclimatic measurements in HST - telescope.
- V.V. Nosov, V.P. Lukin, A.V. Torgaev, V.M. Grigoriev, P.G. Kovadlo, P.G. Papushev
Repeated testing the under dome astroclimate of telescope AZT -33.