XVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
October 12-15, 2009, Tomsk, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- Yu.E. Geints, A.A. Zemlyanov
Dynamics of optical breakdown of a water droplet in the field of powerful ultrashort laser radiation
- Geints Yu.E., Zemlyanov A.A., Panina E.K.
Nanofield and nanofocusing of the optical wave in the presence of spherical particles
- V.S. Kozlov, M.V. Panchenko, E.P. Yausheva
About the effect of cloudiness on diurnal behavior of submicron aerosol and black carbon in the near-ground layer
- A.P. Rostov
Multi cannel Adaptive System for Coherent Fiber Optics.
- F.Yu. Kanev, N.A. Makenova, E.I. Tsyro
Laser beam control in a “two-color” adaptive optics system
- S.F. Balandin, S.A. Shishigin
Analysis of possibility of carbon oxide measurement from satellite by passive gas-correlation spectroscopy method
- S.F. Balandin, S.A. Shishigin
Analysis of possibility of carbon dioxide content measurements in the atmosphere by passive correlation method
- V.A.Banakh, I.N. Smalikho
Measurements of atmospheric turbulence parameters with coherent doppler lidar
- I.N. Smalikho, S. Rahm
Lidar investigation of the effect of wind and atmospheric turbulence on aircraft wake vortices
- I.P. Lukin
The fluctuations of a phase of the Bessel beam in turbulent atmosphere
- V.N. Marichev
Lidar researches of the vertical aerosol structure in the upper troposphere and stratosphere over Tomsk during 2008-2009.
- V.N. Marichev
Lidar observations of vertical distribution of temperature in the bottom and middle atmosphere above Western Siberia during 2008-2009