XVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
October 12-15, 2009, Tomsk, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- M.V. Grishaev
Observations of total nitrogen dioxide content in the atmosphere at Siberian Lidar Station, Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk from 1996 to 2009
- V.N. Uzhegov, Yu.A. Pkhalagov
Variability of aerosol extinction of the visible and infrared radiation in spring hazes
- Chesnokova T.Yu., Voronina Yu.V., Ponomarev Yu.N., Kapitanov V.A.
Influence of interfering gases spectral lines in the 1,61-167 μm region on the atmospheric methan total amount retreval
- Voronina Yu.V., Sulakshina O.N., Chesnokova T.Yu., Chentsov A.V.
Absorption cross-sections data bank in the ultraviolet spectral region 250-400 nm for ozone, nitrogen dioxide, and sulphur dioxide molecules
- V.A. Sennikov, P.A. Konyaev, V.P. Lukin
About efficiency of dual-wavelength adaptive phase focusing correction.
- V.K. Oshlakov, G.G. Matvienko, S.N. Polyakov
Simulator of extended probe volume of atmosphere for calibration of pulsed wind lidars
- P.A. Konyaev
Computer simulations of atmospheric turbulence parameters measurement using dofferential method
- D.S. Rytchkov
Statistics of tolological charge of otical vortex carried by Bessel-Gauss pseudo-nondiffracting beam propagated in turbulent atmosphere
- A.L. Afanasiev, V.A. Banakh, D.A. Marakasov, A.P. Rostov
Wind profiling by laser beam intensity fluctuations in atmosphere experiments
- A.L. Afanasiev, D.A. Marakasov, A.P. Rostov
Spectra of gas density fluctuations in the flows with spatial inhomogeneity of internal energy
- L.V. Antoshkin, N.N. Botygiha, O.N. Emaleev, P.A. Konyaev, V.P. Lukin
Differential atmospheric turbulence parameters monitor with the torch laser module as a radiator
- A.A. Klepova, S.L. Odintsov
Analysis of components of kinetic turbulence energy balance in the near-ground atmospheric layer