XVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
October 12-15, 2009, Tomsk, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- A.L. Afanasiev, A.P. Rostov
Solar eclipse effect to statistical characteristics of meteorological parameters micropulsations in surface layer
- D.M. Kabanov, S.M. Sakerin, V.V. Veretennikov
Average diurnal behavior of aerosol characteristics for summer conditions near Tomsk
- V.A. Banakh, V.M. Sazanovich, A.A. Sukharev, R.Sh. Tsvyk
, V.I. Zapryagaev, I.N. Kavun
Experimental researches of turbulence above the model blown by the supersonic flow, optical methods
- K.K. Protasov, K.T. Protasov
Hybrid neural networks for thematic analysis of satellite images of the Earth
- M.B. Valyavin, K.T. Protasov
Scaling of satellite images and estimation of image quality
- L.A. Busygin, M.B. Valyavin, K.T. Protasov
Adaptive reduction of the point spreading function (PSF)
- Dmitrieva T.A., Tashkun S.A.
Partridge-Schwenke rotational energy levels unambiguous spectroscopic identification of five lower vibrational states H217O up to J,Ka = 30
- A.E. Makienko, V.A. Gladkikh, A.P. Kamardin
Atmosphere boundary layer parameters research in the city environment using local and remote acoustic diagnostics means
- Yu.E. Geints, A.A. Zemlyanov
The parameters of filament formed upon intensive laser pulses self-focusing in the air
- G.A. Kolotkov, S.T. Penin
Inspection method of emission activity from NPP in real time
- V.D. Burlakov, S.I. Dolgii, A.P. Makeev, E.V. Makienko, A.V. Nevzorov, A.V. Elnikov
State of stratospheric aerosol layer in 2006-2009 according to data of lidar observations in Tomsk
- A.D. Bulygin, E.E. Bykova, A.A. Zemlyanov , Al.A. Zemlyanov
MDR’s effect on dye molecule fluorescence spectrum from microcavity during excitation by femtosecond laser radiation