XVI International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
October 12-15, 2009, Tomsk, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- I.P. Lukin
The features of fluctuations of a level of nondiffracting beams in randomly inhomogeneous media
- I.P. Lukin
The integrated characteristics of the Bessel beams in turbulent atmosphere
- Rodimova O.B.
Asymptotic and quasistatic approaches in the spectral line wing theory
- Rodimova O.B., Bogdanova Yu.V. , Buzaev S.S.
On calculation accuracy of the transmission function using series of exponents
- Rodimova O.B., Bogdanova Yu.V.
On spectral line shape of the self-broadened water vapor in the 8–12 micron region
- N.M. Luk’yanov, A.Z. Fazliev
Data validity check for water spectroscopy in distributed informatio system W@DIS
- Ponomarev Yu.N.
Laser and Fourier-transform spectroscopy of molecules, molecular complexes, and nanoparticles. Methods, technique, results, and applications in atmospheric research
- G.A. Kaloshin
Influence of the particles sizes spectrum of the sea salt aerosol at estimations of the signal power
- Yu.I. Terent’ev
Light rays deflection by solids without contact with light beam
- G.A. Kaloshin
Aerosol extinction of optical radiation in coastal environment
- G.A. Kaloshin, S.A. Shishkin
The MAEXPRO programm at the analysis of sea and coastal aerosol properties
- V.V. Polkin, L.P. Golobokova
Chemical composition near-water aerosol of Northern Caspian sea in 29-th cruise of RV \"RIFT\"