XXII International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
June 30 - July 03, 2016, Tomsk
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.I. Vernadsky Crimean Federal University, Simferopol, Russia
List of reports:
Vladimirskiy B. M., Grigoriev P. E., Pobachenko S. V. Do the processes in near space influence weather and climate?
Vladimirskiy B. M., Panchelyuga V.A. Variations of background electromagnetic fields simulate the instability of the radioactive decay rate
Danova Tatiana, Nikiforova Mariya Pavlovna Dynamic parameters of the troposphere when implementing of hazardous weather in the Black Sea
Pobachenko SV, Sokolov MV, Grigoriev PE Estimation of complex influence the natural gradient of the magnetic field on the human brain electrical activity dynamics