XXIV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 02-05, 2018, Tomsk
Participant Organizations
Organization: Far Eastern State Transport University, Khabarovsk, Russua
List of reports:
- Maksimenko V.A.
Features of the selective photoinduced light scattering indicatrix formation in LiNbO3:Rh crystals
- Ivanova G.D., Ivanov V.I.
Nonresonance mechanisms of optical nonlinearity of aerosols
- Ivanov V.I., Ivanova G.D.
Nonlinear optical diagnostic methods of liquid mixtures
- Myagotin A.V., Ivanova G.D., Ivanov V.I., Ovseychook O.O.
Fiber optic diagnostic method of nanoparticles in liquid
- Ivanova G.D., Khe V.K., Ivanov V.I.
Optical diagnostics of sedimentation of nanoparticles
- Ivanova G.D., Ivanov V.I., Livashvily A.I.
Dufour effect in nanosuspension in the light field
- Ivanov V.I., Myagotin A.V.
Light self-focusing in the nanosuspension
- Krylov V.I., Ivanov V.I., Khe V.K.