XXIV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 02-05, 2018, Tomsk
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- Voronina S.S., Privezentsev A.I., Fazliev A.Z.
- Zhenzhu Wang1, Dong Liu1, Zongming Tao1, Bangxing Wang1,3, Decheng Wu1, Zhiqing Zhong1, Chenbo Xie1, Yingjian Wang1,3, Borovoi A., Konoshonkin A.
Properties of aerosol and cloud from Raman-mie lidar, CCD lidar and Radar soundings
- Землянов А.А., Гейнц Ю.Э., Кабанов А.М., Матвиенко Г.Г., Ошлаков В.К.
Филаментация фемтосекундных лазерных импульсов в воздухе