XXV International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"

July 01-05, 2019, Novosibirsk

Participant Organizations

Organization: Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia

List of reports:

  1. Poller B.V., Britvin A.V., Nikitenko N.S., Schetin Yu.I.
    Atmospheric ultraviolet communication lines. Construction methods and characteristics
  2. Boikova Anna Valentinovna, Karapuzikov Aleksandr Ivanovich, Markelov Aleksey Andreevich, Miroshnichenko Maksim Borisovich, Shtyrov Maxim Yurievich
    Design optimization of a non-resonant opto-acoustic cell to expand the dynamic range measurements concentration of gaseous impurities in the atmosphere.
  3. Sherstov I.V., Chetvergova L.V.
    Investigation of acoustic modes of resonant photo-acoustic detectors