XXVII International Symposium "Atmospheric and Ocean Optics. Atmospheric Physics"
July 05-09, 2021, Moscow
Author's Index
Author: Павлинский А.В. (Институт мониторинга климатических и экологических систем СО РАН, Томск, Россия)
List of reports:
- Zuev V.V., Savelieva E.S., Pavlinsky A.V.
Influence of increased activity of planetary waves on the Arctic polar vortex dynamics in winter 2018/2019
- Zuev V.V., Pavlinsky A.V., Mordus D.P.
Total vapor content of the atmosphere and characteristics of cloud coverage and wind in the area of the St. Petersburg airport
- Zuev V.V., Pavlinsky A.V., Nechepurenko O.E., Mordus D.P., Ilin G.N., Bykov V.Yu.
Effect of total vapor content on aircraft icing on the data of radiometric measurements in the area of Pulkovo airport
- Zuev V.V., Nechepurenko O.E.
Atmospheric boundary layer monitoring complex