The XV Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 18-21, 2006, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
List of reports:
- A.V. Stolyarov
Has the ratio of proton and electron masses been changed during the last 12-13 billion years?
- A.P. Shkurinov
THz time-domain spectroscopy and spectrachronography of complex and biological molecules
- I. Klincare, J. Zaharova, M. Tamanis, R. Ferber, A.V. Stolyarov, E.A. Pazyuk, A. Zaitsevskii
Radiative lifetimes of the NaCs G(3)1П state: Experiment and theory
- E.K. Dolgov, S.I. Bokarev, V.I. Pupyshev, I.A. Godunov
Treatment of the degenerate and near-degenerate energy levels in vibrational self-consistent field theory
- D.A. Pichugina, I.V. Nepopalova, N.E. Kuz’menko, A.F. Shestakov
Spectroscopy of Aun, Au20O and Au20O2 gold cluster: structure identification from IR-spectrum
- B.M. Kozlovskii, S.V. Petrov
Четырехатомные молекулы: опыт квазиклассического анализа колебательно-вращательных спектров (на примере P4 и PH3)
- T.A. Vysokikh, S.V. Savilov, T.V. Yagodovskaya, V.V. Lunin
Interaction of CH3Cl, CH2Cl2, CH3Cl and CСl4 with ozone on the ice surface under stratospheric conditions
- I.O. Glebov, V.V. Eremin
The influence of vibrational relaxation on femtosecond dynamics of electron transfer in the reaction centers of photosynthetic bacteria