The XVI Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 05-10, 2009, lake Baikal, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: General Physics Institute RAS, Moscow, Russia
List of reports:
- A.I. Nadezhdinskii, Ya.Ya. Ponurovskii, D.B. Stavrovskii, G.Yu. Grigoriev, Sh.Sh. Nabiev, M.A. Sukhanova
Diode laser spectroscopy of water vapor isotopologues in near IR region
- G.Yu. Grigoriev, S.L. Malyugin, Sh.Sh. Nabiev, M.A. Sukhanova, A.I. Nadezhdinskii, Ya.Ya. Ponurovskii, Yu.P. Shapovalov
Remote detector of hydrogen fluoride in open atmosphere on the basis of tunable diode lasers
- G.Yu. Grigoriev, S.L. Malyugin, Sh.Sh. Nabiev, M.A. Sukhanova, A.I. Nadezhdinskii, Ya.Ya. Ponurovskii, D.B. Stavrovskii, Yu.P. Shapovalov
Compact TDLS system for 12CO2/13CO2 ratio measurements based on VCSEL and Herriot system
- A. Moudens, R. Georges, M. Goubet, J. Makarewicz, S.E. Lokshtanov, A.A. Vigasin
Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy of the OH stretching vibrations in water clusters formed in supersonic slit expansion
- S.E. Lokshtanov, V.A. Boiko
Remote detection of atmospheric admixtures by means of passive FTIR spectrometry: signal processing procedure
- D.N. Kozlov, P.P. Radi, D.A. Sadovskii
Spectroscopy of highly-excited overtone-combination vibrational states of methane by using laser-induced gratings