The XVII Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 02-07, 2012, Zelenogorsk, St.Petersburg region, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
List of reports:
- A.P. Kouzov
Advances in two-color resonant four wave mixing spectroscopy 
- N.A. Gennadiev, I.M. Grigoriev, N.N. Filippov
Band shape study of OCS perturbed by foreign gases at high pressure. Vibrational shift problem 
- N.N. Filippov, R.E. Asfin, T.N. Sinyakova, A.Yu. Kiseleva, T.M. Petrova, A.M. Solodov, A.A. Solodov, J.V. Buldyreva
Studies of CO2 spectra in the region 600–9000 cm-1 at pressures up to 60 atm 
- I.K. Chubchenko, N.N. Filippov
Simple point-bulb model for molecular collisions: description and spectroscopic applications
- D.V. Oparin, N.N. Filippov
Collision-induced spectra of CO2-Ar gas mixtures: The role of stable and metastable dimers in the bandshape formation
- M.V. Buturlimova, V.P. Bulychev, K.G. Tokhadze
Rigorous calculations of spectral properties of molecular complexes of atmospheric interest. A quantum-mechanical calculation of the structure and spectroscopic characteristics of the H3N … HONO complex
- K.S. Rutkowski, S.M. Melikova
IR spectroscopic detection of the blue-shifting complex formation between chloroform and methyl fluoride in the gas phase
- R.E. Asfin, M.O. Bulanin, A.V. Domanskaya , K. Kerl, C. Maul
Broadening and shift coefficients of rovibrational lines in the fundamental and first overtone bands of HCl and HBr perturbed by N2, O2, and air
- A.V. Kozodoev, A.I. Privezentsev, A.Z. Fazliev, N.M. Grigorovich, N.N. Filippov
Published parameters of С3V and С2V symmetry methane isotopologues spectral lines
- J.V. Buldyreva, E.S. Telkova, N.N. Filippov
Band shape study of OCS perturbed by foreign gases at high pressure. Theoretical analysis for OCS-He 
- I.M. Grigoriev, N.N. Filippov, A.I. Nadezhdinskii, Ya.Ya. Ponurovskii, A.S. Kuzmichev
Accurate spectral line shapes and line parameters retrieved from TDLS measurements
- S.M. Melikova, K.S. Rutkowski
Vibrational resonances in the IR spectrum of CO2. Comparison of the gas, liquid and solid phase results