The XVII Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 02-07, 2012, Zelenogorsk, St.Petersburg region, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- S.A. Tashkun
Global multi-isotopologue fitting of CO2 vibrational-rotational line positions using the phenomenological mass dependent effective Hamiltonian 
- E.V. Karlovets, V.I. Perevalov, S.A. Tashkun, Y. Lu, D. Mondelain, S. Kassi, A. Campargue
CW-CRDS measurements and global modeling of 14N216O absolute line intensities in the 6950-7653 cm-1 region 
- A.M. Solodov, T.M. Petrova, A.A. Solodov, Yu.N. Ponomarev, I.V. Ptashnik
Near-infrared water vapour self-continuum at reduce temperatures
- O.M. Lyulin, E.V. Karlovets, V.I. Perevalov, D. Jacquemart, Y. Lu, A.-W. Liu
Infrared spectroscopy of carbon dioxide enriched by 17O and 18O oxygen in the 1800-9000 cm-1 wavenumber region 
- T.M. Petrova, A.M. Solodov, A.A. Solodov, O.M. Lyulin, S.A. Tashkun, V.I. Perevalov
Measurements of 12C16O2 line parameters in the 8790-8860, 9340-9650 and 11430-11505 cm-1 wavenumber ranges by means of Fourier transform spectroscopy 
- A.V. Kozodoev, A.I. Privezentsev, A.Z. Fazliev, N.M. Grigorovich, N.N. Filippov
Published parameters of С3V and С2V symmetry methane isotopologues spectral lines
- S.N. Mikhailenko, G. Mellau, Vl.G. Tyuterev
Rotational energy levels of the (000) and (010) states of HD17O from emission spectra 
- T.Yu. Chesnokova, B.A. Voronin, Yu.V. Voronina, K.G. Gribanov, V.I. Zakharov, K.M. Firsov
Modeling of the high resolution atmospheric solar spectra in the 1.6-2.4 μm spectral region
- D.A. Kuzmin, O.Yu. Nikiforova, A.A. Bulanova, E.B. Bukreeva, Yu.V. Kistenev, S.A. Tuzikov, E.L. Yumov
Potentialities of usage of photoacoustic spectroscopy at diagnostic inspections of patients with lung pathologies
- T.I. Velichko, S.A. Tashkun, S.N. Mikhailenko
Global multi-isotopologue fit of measured transition frequencies of CO in the ground electronic state and new set of mass-independent Dunham coefficients 
- O. Leshchishina, A. Campargue, S. Kassi, D. Mondelain, S.N. Mikhailenko
CRDS of water at 0.1 Torr between 6885.79 and 7405.91 cm-1 
- N.N. Lavrentieva, A.S. Dudaryonok, T.M. Petrova, A.M. Solodov, O.M. Lyulin, A.A. Solodov
Self- broadening and shifting coefficients of CO2 absorption lines in 9340-9650 cm-1 spectral region 