The XVII Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 02-07, 2012, Zelenogorsk, St.Petersburg region, Russia

Participant Organizations

Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia

List of reports:

  1. Yu.G. Borkov, O.N. Sulakshina
    Global treatment of high-resolution spectra for NO molecule  
  2. A.-W. Liu, O.V. Naumenko, S. Kassi, A. Campargue
    CRDS of deuterated water in the 1.5 μm atmospheric transparency window  
  3. Q. Ma, R.H. Tipping, N.N. Lavrentieva
    Causal correlation functions and Fourier transforms  
  4. N.N. Lavrentieva, A.S. Dudaryonok, K.I. Arshinov, V.V. Nevdakh
    Temperature dependence of broadening coefficients of СО2 lines induced by N2О and CO pressure  
  5. Q. Ma, R.H. Tipping, N.N. Lavrentieva, A.S. Dudaryonok
    Pair identity and smooth variation rules applicable for the spectroscopic parameters of H2O lines  
  6. S.-M. Hu, A.-W. Liu, I.A. Vasilenko, E.R. Polovtseva, O.V. Naumenko
    Fourier transform absorption spectrum of water vapor enriched by deuterium and by 18O in 2088 - 6000 cm-1 spectral region  
  7. A.S. Dudaryonok, N.N. Lavrentieva, L.N. Sinitsa, V.I. Serdyukov, S.S. Vasilchenko
    Water vapor line self-broadening study in 13400-14000 см-1 range
  8. M. Rey, T. Delahaye, Vl.G. Tyuterev, A.V. Nikitin
    Normal mode variational calculations for medium sized molecules: Application to species of atmospheric interest
  9. Vl.G. Tyuterev, M. Rey, T. Delahaye, S.A. Tashkun, R.V. Kochanov, A.V. Nikitin, J. Lamouroux
    Derivation of effective spectroscopic models from potential and dipole surfaces by contact transformation: status of the MOL_CT program suite
  10. J.V. Bogdanova, T.E. Klimeshina, O.B. Rodimova
    On the role of line wings of the water monomer in formation of the continuum in the 3-5 μm transparency window  