The XVIIIth Symposium and School on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
June 30 - July 04, 2015, Tomsk, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- Yu.G. Borkov, O.N. Sulakshina, Yu.M. Klimachev
Numerical model of Zeeman splitting of ro-vibrational lines in the NO fundamental band 
- A.N. Duchko, A.D. Bykov
H2CO molecule vibrational energy spectrum. Re-summation of divergent perturbation series for highly excited states 
- A.Z. Fazliev
W@DIS information system. Spectral data analysis 
- A.Z. Fazliev
Expert spectral data quality 
- A. Barbe, M.-R. De Backer, X. Thomas, Vl.G. Tyuterev, E.N. Starikova, A. Campargue, D. Mondelain, S. Kassi
Analyses of 16O16O18O asymmetric ozone isotopic species in the whole 800 – 6500 cm-1 infrared spectral region 
- E.N. Starikova, A.V. Nikitin, S.A. Tashkun, M. Rey, Vl.G. Tyuterev
Assignment and modeling of 13CH4 from 5853 to 6200 cm-1: preliminary results
- L.N. Sinitsa, V.I. Serdyukov, N.N. Lavrentieva, A.S. Dudaryonok
Dependence of H2O-N2 broadening coefficients on the vibrational quantum indices 
- A.A. Lukashevskaya, V.I. Perevalov, A. Perrin
Nitrogen dioxide high temperature line List in the 466–3374 см-1 region 
- L.N. Sinitsa, V.I. Serdyukov, A.P. Shcherbakov, N.N. Lavrentieva, A.S. Dudaryonok
Study of the H2O-H2O line broadening in 15500–16000 cm-1 region 
- O.V. Naumenko, A.I. Privezentsev, N.A. Lavrentiev, A.Z. Fazliev
Reference wavenumbers and assessment of trust in spectral database 
- A.Z. Fazliev, O.V. Naumenko, A.I. Privezentsev, A.Yu. Akhlyostin, N.A. Lavrentiev, A.V. Kozodoev, S.S. Voronina, A.V. Apanovich, A.G. Császár, J. Tennyson
A W@DIS-based data quality analysis of the energy levels and wavenumbers of isotopologues of the water molecule 
- S.N. Mikhailenko, A. Campargue, D. Mondelain, S. Kassi, E.V. Karlovets
The absorption spectrum of 17O enriched water vapor by CRDS between 5850 and 6670 cm-1 