The XVIIIth Symposium and School on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
June 30 - July 04, 2015, Tomsk, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: V.E. Zuev Institute of Atmospheric Optics SB RAS, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- L.N. Sinitsa, V.I. Serdyukov
New features of FT spectrometer using LED sources 
- V.A. Kapitanov, K.Yu. Osipov, A.E. Protasevich, Y.Y. Ponurovskii
Speed dependence, velocity change and line mixing in self-colliding CO2 under high pressures in the 30013 ← 00001 band: measurements and test of models 
- T.Yu. Chesnokova, A.V. Chentsov, B.A. Voronin
Simulation of the atmospheric radiative transfer in the water vapor near-infrared absorption bands
- B.A. Voronin
Estimations for line parameters of SO2
- A.A. Rodina, A.V. Nikitin, M. Rey, Vl.G. Tyuterev
Ab initio calculation of ro-vibrational spectra for GeH4 molecule 
- Y.S. Chizhmakova, A.V. Nikitin, M. Rey, Vl.G. Tyuterev
First principles calculation of rovibrational spectra for SiH4 molecule 
- Y.A. Ivanova, A.V. Nikitin, S.A. Tashkun, M. Rey, Vl.G. Tyuterev, L.R. Brown
Present status and perspectives of line-by-line analyses of the PH3 absorption spectrum in the Octad range between 2800 and 3600 cm-1 
- B.M. Krishna, A.V. Nikitin, S.A. Tashkun, M. Rey, Vl.G. Tyuterev
Methane high-T partition function from contact transformations and variational calculations 
- A.V. Nikitin, B.M. Krishna, M. Rey, Vl.G. Tyuterev
First principles calculation of energy levels and spectra for AB4, ABC3 type molecules 
- A.V. Nikitin, M. Rey, Vl.G. Tyuterev, S.A. Tashkun, S. Kassi, A. Campargue
Modeling of CRDS 12CH4 spectra at 80K in the 6539 – 6800 cm-1 region 