The XIX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 01-05, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod
Participant Organizations
Organization: Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia
List of reports:
- Szczepkowski J., Grochola A., Jastrzebski W., Kowalczyk P., Pazyuk E.A., Stolyarov A.V., Pashov A.
Experimental description of the 61Σ+ - 43Π states in KCs
- Kozlov S.V., Bormotova E.A.
Ab initio treatment of Λ-doubling effects in the (B,D)1Π states of LiX (X = Na, K, Rb, Cs)
- Kudrin A., Zaitsevskii A., Stolyarov A.V.
On spectral sensitivity of the CO molecule to the possible variation of fundamental physical constants 
- Chistikov D.N., Lokshtanov S.E., Finenko A.A., Petrov S.V., Kalugina Y.N., Vigasin A.A.
Classical trajectory simulation of the CO2 collision-induced band profile in the far IR spectral range
- Chistikov D.N., Finenko A.A., Kazakov K.V.
Quantum mechanical solution for Van der Waals dimer true bound states and related problems
- Terentiev R.V., Maslov D.V., Yakovlev N.N., Bataev V.A., Godunov I.A.
Fluorescence excitation spectra and structure of simple aldehydes in the S1 excited electronic state 
- Valiev R.R., Gritsenko I.S., Cherepanov V.N., Berezhnoy A.A., Kurten T.
Photolysis of diatomic molecules as a source of atoms in planetary exospheres
- Terashkevich V.A., Stolyarov A.V., Pazyuk E.A.
Spectroscopic, radiative and electric properties of the interstellar argonium
- Bataev V.A., Abramenkov A.V., Godunov I.A.
Multi-mode character of low-frequency out-of-plane vibrations in furfural molecule in the lowest excited electronic states
- Medvedev A.A., Kozlov S.V., Bormotova E.A.
Electric properties of the excited LiRb, LiCs states
- Medvedev A.A., Stolyarov A.V., Zaitsevskii A.
Potential energy curves for the lowest excited states of the Cs-Ng (Ng=Ar, Kr, Xe) exciplex molecules
- Balashov A.A., Zibarova A.O., Serov E.A., Odintsova T.A., Koshelev M.A., Tretyakov M.Yu., Finenko A.A., Chistikov D.N.
Collision-induced absorption of dry atmospheric gases at millimeter waves