The XIX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 01-05, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod
Participant Organizations
Organization: National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia
List of reports:
- Viglaska D., Rey M., Nikitin A.V., Tyuterev Vl.G.
First ab initio and variational calculations of eight ethylene isotopologues
- Chistikov D.N., Lokshtanov S.E., Finenko A.A., Petrov S.V., Kalugina Y.N., Vigasin A.A.
Classical trajectory simulation of the CO2 collision-induced band profile in the far IR spectral range
- Nasibullin R.T., Valiev R.R., Cherepanov V.N., Faiskanova K.M., Stepanova E.V., Filimonov V.D., Sundholm D.
Computational approach for building a general scheme of acid-catalyzed deacetylation of per-acetylated arylglycosides
- Valiev R.R., Kurten T.
Cross- and self- reaction of peroxide radicals
- Valiev R.R., Gritsenko I.S., Cherepanov V.N., Berezhnoy A.A., Kurten T.
Photolysis of diatomic molecules as a source of atoms in planetary exospheres
- Konyshev Yu.V., Gadirov R.M., Valiev R.R.
Investigation of exciplex radiation in organic light emitting diodes on a zinc complex
- Solodov A.A., Ponomarev Yu.N., Petrova T.M., Solodov A.M.
Vibrational dependence of line half-widths for carbon monoxide confined in silica aerogel nanopores
- Rodina A., Serdyukov V.I., Sinitsa L.N., Lugovskoi A.A., Egorov O.V., Nikitin A.V., Rey M., Tyuterev Vl.G.
Line intensities of NF3: comparison ab initio results with low temperature measurements
- Surin L.A., Tarabukin I.V., Kalugina Y.N., Hermanns M., Heyne B., Schlemmer S.
Microwave spectroscopy and ab initio potential of the NH3−N2 van der Waals complex 
- Tyuterev Vl.G., Lapierre D., Alijah A., Kalugina Y.N., Egorov O.V., Kochanov R.V.
Ozone: ab initio calculations for spectroscopy and dynamics
- Kochanov R.V., Gordon I., Rothman L., Tan Y., Hargreaves R., Karns J., Matt W., Hill C.
Recent progress in HITRAN Application Programming Interface (HAPI): fast codes for direct and inverse spectroscopic problems 
- Borkov Y.G., Petrova T.M., Solodov A.M., Solodov A.A., Perevalov V.I., Karlovets E.V.
Fourier transform CO spectra near 1.6 µm