The XIX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 01-05, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod
Submitted reports
- Serdyukov V.I., Sinitsa L.N., Vasilenko I.A., Naumenko O.V.
LED-Based Fourier Transform Spectroscopy of Н217О in 14910–15600 cm–1 Spectral Region
- Simonova A.A., Ptashnik I.V.
Water dimer and intermediate line wings’ contribution to the water vapour continuum absorption in 0.94 and 1.13 μm bands
- Borkov Y.G., Petrova T.M., Solodov A.M., Solodov A.A., Perevalov V.I., Karlovets E.V.
Fourier transform CO spectra near 1.6 µm
- Bykov A.D., Voronin B.A.
Determination of the generating functions of centrifugal distortion in the theory of vibrational - rotational spectra of molecules
- Armante R., Perrin A., Jacquinet N., Scott N., Chédin A.
Status of the new GEISA-2019 spectroscopic database and its evaluation using the SPARTE chain through the comparisons with the latest releases of GEISA-2015 and HITRAN-2016: the example of H2O, CO2 and CH4
- Elfimov S.V., Dorofeev D.L., Chervinskaya A.S., Zon B.A.
Spectroscopic constants and potential-energy curves for the Rydberg states of NaHe 
- Zobov N.F., Koshelev M.A., Makarov D.S., Polyansky O.L., Boyarkin O., Mauguiere F., Tyuterev Vl.G., Egorov O.V., Kochanov R.V.
Analysis of multi-resonance spectra of HDO above 25000 cm-1
- Raddaoui E., Jacquemart D., Soulard P., Guinet M., Aroui H., Dudaryonok A.S., Lavrentieva N.N., Troitsyna L., Buldyreva J.
Measurements of CH3I line parameters in the fundamental ν6 band in order to generate a complete line list for databases
- Chervinskaya A.S., Dorofeev D.L., Elfimov S.V., Chernov V.E.
Optimization of dipole-Couloumb approximation for non-penetrating Rydberg states of polar molecules
- Civiš S., Kubelík P., Pastorek A., Zanozina E.M., Zetkina O.V., Chernov V.E., Naskidashvili A.V.
Kr I spectra in the 5-14 μm region
- Kornev A.S., Suvorov K.I., Chernov V.E., Zon B.A.
Frequency-dependent polarizabilities of diatomic molecules: Density functional theory and ab initio methods compared with quantum-defect Green function technique
- Ketkov S.Y., Rychagova E.A., Lukoyanov A.N., Makarov S.G., Tzeng S.Y., Tzeng W.-B.
Ring size influence on the lowest Rydberg p transition in the REMPI spectra of jet-cooled sandwich complexes