The XX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 03-07, 2023, lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Russia

Participant Organizations

Organization: Moscow State University, Moscow, Russia

List of reports:

  1. Likharev A.S., Pazyuk E.A., Stolyarov A.V.
    Ab initio quantum defect theory revisited Rydberg’s states of H2
  2. Kozlov S.V., Terashkevich V.A., Pazyuk E.A., Stolyarov A.V.
    Rovibronic transition probabilities revisited among B2Σ+, A2П and X2Σ+ states of CN radical
  3. Galanina T.A., Koroleva A.O., Amerkhanov I.S., Serov E.A., Koshelev M.A., Tretyakov M.Yu., Chistikov D.N., Finenko A.A., Petrov S.V., Vigasin A.A.
    Bimolecular absorption of CO2 – CO2 and CO2 – Ar in the millimeter wavelength range
  4. Terashkevich V.A., Pazyuk E.A.
    Synthetic B2Σ+-X2Σ+ band spectra of the CN radical: comparison of the equilibrium and multi-temperature models
  5. Cherkasova O.P., Vrazhnov D.A., Knyazkova A.I., Konnikova M.R., Nikolaev N.A., Kistenev Yu.V., Shkurinov A.P.
    Application of machine learning for terahertz spectra of glioma patient blood plasma analysis
  6. Zaytsev S.M., Terashkevich V.A., Sushkov N.I.
    Convergence of the parameters of the two-temperature model with self-absorption for CN radical spectra fitting on the example of B 2Σ+ ‑ X 2Σ+ transition
  7. Bormotova E.A., Pazyuk E.A., Stolyarov A.V., Pashov A.
    Deperturbation analysis of the A1Σ+ and b3Π states of LiRb
  8. Evdokimova D.G., Fedorova A.A., Nazarova A.V., Zharikova M.S., Korablev O.I., Bertaux J.-L.
    Analysis of near-infrared transparency windows of Venus observed by SPICAV IR/Venus Express: spectroscopy uncertainties  
  9. Bormotova E.A., Likharev A.S., Stolyarov A.V.
    Look at all Those Surfaces! The Exited States of the Rb Trimer
  10. Shokova M.A., Bochenkov V.E.
    Coupling plasmonic and photonic cavity modes in Au/SiO2/Au nanohole arrays to increase refractive index sensitivity  
  11. Bochenkova A.V., Beletsan O.B., Andersen L.H.
    High-resolution spectroscopy and selective photoresponse of cold biochromophore anions: theory meets experiment  
  12. Bataev V.A.
    The complex character of molecular vibrations as a source for errors in theoretical modeling of spectra of molecules with internal rotation  