The XX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 03-07, 2023, lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Russia
Oral Reports
- Akhlestin A.Yu., Kozodoeva E.M., Lavrentiev N.A., Privezentsev A.I., Rodimova O.B., Fazliev A.Z.
Analysis of the quality of data extracted from publications in W@DIS and GrafOnto information systems
- Sulakshina O.N., Borkov Yu.G.
Global modelling of the observed line positions for the spectra of ultraviolet bands: Dunham coefficients for the A2Σ+ excited state of the 16OH molecule
- Tashkun S.A., Mikhailenko S.N., Barbe A., Starikova E.N., Tyuterev V.G.
RITZ energy levels of 16O3 deduced from experimental spectra: critical analysis of HITRAN and S&MPO transition frequencies
- Vinogradov I.I., Spiridonov M.V., Meshcherinov V.V., Kazakov V.A., Lebedev Yu.V., Venkstern A.A., Barke V.V.
Multichannel diode laser spectrometer DLS-L for Luna-27 mission
- Bulanin K.M., Smirnov M.B., Pankin D.V., Roginski E.M., Mikheleva A.Yu., Selivanov N.I., Emeline A.V., Rudakova A.V.
Spectroscopic investigation of pyridinium ordering in hybrid low-dimensional perovskite PyPbBr3
- Sinko A.S., Kargovsky A., Surovtsev N., Shkurinov A.P.
Coherent quasi-pulse THz molecular crystal source
- Zolotarev K.V., Kazakov V.V., Kazakov V.G., Meshkov O.I., Yatcenko A.S.
The status of the information system "Electronic structure of atoms" and the planned expansion into the regions of X-rays, negative ions and isotopes
- Makarova M.V., Poberovskii A.V., Polyakov A.V., Imkhasin H.H., Ionov D.V., Kostsov V.S., Makarov B.K., Foka S.Ch.
Long-term FTIR-monitoring of the atmosphere at the St. Petersburg State University
- Shiryaeva E.S., Panfutov O.D., Tyurin D.A., Feldman V.I.
Spectroscopy of the radiation-induced intermediates resulting from isolated phosphine molecules in low-temperature cryogenic matrices
- Trofimov A.B., Skitnevskaya A.D., Belogolova A.M.
Comparison of algebraic-diagramming construction methods with coupled-cluster methods for calculations of ionization and electron attachment spectra
- Ivanov A.I.
Effect of symmetry-breaking charge transfer in excited molecules on IR and optical spectra
- Genin V.D., Yanina I.Yu., Genina E.A. , Mudrak D.A., Navolokin N.A., Bucharskaya A.B., Kistenev Yu.V., Tuchin V.V.
The study of the optical properties of the lung tissue at the action of e-cigarette liquid