Registration of participants.
Location: Hall of the third floor.
Chairman: PhD Anna A. Simonova.
Opening ceremony.
Location: Conference Hall.
Cochairmen: Dr., Corr. member of the RAS Igor V. Ptashnik, Dr., Prof. Victor Tarasenko.
Invited Lectures.
Plenary Session.
Location: Conference Hall.
Chairman: Dr., Corr. member of the RAS Igor V. Ptashnik.
A.M. Pashayev, I.Kh. Mammadov, A.A. Musayev, K.R. Allahverdiyev (
National Aviation Academy, Baku, Azerbaijan), E.Yu. Salaev (
Institute of Physics ANAS, Baku, Azerbaijan), L. Kador (
University of Bayreuth, Bayreuth, Germany; Bayreuth Institute of Macromolecular Research, Bayreuth, Germany)
High Density Photoluminescence in Highly Anisotropic GaSe- type Crystals
Reporter: Kerim Ragim Allahverdiyev
M.S. Trtica, J. Stasic (
Institute of Nuclear Sciences, Beograd, Serbia), J. Limpouch, P. Gavrilov (
Czech Technical University in Prague, Prague, Czech)
Ultrashort Laser - Fusion Material Interaction
Reporter: Milan S. Trtica
K. Zerbe (Institute of Applied Physics, Frankfurt on Main, Germany), A. Ulrich (Technical University of Munich, Garching, Germany), J. Wieser (excitech GmbH, Schortens, Germany), C. Wagner (Institute of Applied Physics, Frankfurt on Main, Germany)
Dielectric barrier discharge at atmospheric pressure in air for surface treatment
Reporter: Kristina Zerbe
Location: White Hall.
Invited Lectures.
Plenary Session.
Location: Conference Hall.
Chairman: Dr., Prof. Victor Tarasenko.
L. Fiorani (
Frascati Research Center ENEA , Rome, Italy)
Application of quantum cascade laser to rapid detection of food adulteration
Reporter: Luca Fiorani
Bangdou Huang, Cheng Zhang, Tao Shao (Institute of Electrical Engineering CAS, Beijing, China)
Increasing radical density in atmospheric pressure discharge by bi-polar nanosecond high-voltage pulses with MHz repetition rate in burst mode
Reporter: Huang Bangdou
P.V. Avramov, G.T. Oyeniyi (Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea), Iu.A. Melchakova (National Research Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia; Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea)
Quantum and topological stability of complex hybrid quantum materials
Reporter: Раvеl Аvrамоv
A. Kolegov (SC LLS, St.-Petersburg, Russia)
Development and creation of unique complex laser systems for scientific applications
Reporter: Alexey Anatolevich Kolegov