The XIX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy

July 01-05, 2019, Nizhny Novgorod

Submitted reports

  1. Fomin B.A.
    Efficient line-by-line technique for calculating precise and compact spectral lookup tables
  2. Fazliev A.Z., Naumenko O.V., Kozodoev A.V., Lavrentiev N.A.
    Experimental and calculated intensities of water isotopologues
  3. Gamache R., Vispoel B., Renaud C.L., Cleghorn K., Hartmann L.
    Vibrational dependence, temperature dependence, and prediction of line shape parameters for the H2O-H2 collision system
  4. Vispoel B., Cavalcanti J.H., Gamache R.
    Modified Complex Robert-Bonamy calculations of line shape parameters and their temperature dependence for water vapor in collision with N2
  5. Vasilenko I.A., Serdyukov V.I., Sinitsa L.N., Naumenko O.V., Kyuberis A.A., Zobov N.F., Polyansky O.L.
    LED-Based Fourier transform spectroscopy of H216O in 14800-15600 cm-1 spectral region
  6. Hargreaves R., Gordon I., Rothman L., Tan Y., Kochanov R.V.
    Upcoming update of the HITEMP database
  7. Kyuberis A.A., Mizus I.I., Zobov N.F., Polyansky O.L.
    Theoretical study of water molecule  
  8. Boldyrev K.N., Popova M.N., Abishev N.M., Malkin B.Z.
    High-resolution spectroscopy of 7LiYF4:Ho in a magnetic field: The first optical observation of the hyperfine levels’ anticrossing
  9. Meshkov V.V., Stolyarov A.V., Ermilov A.Yu., Medvedev E.S., Ushakov V.G., Gordon I.
    Semi-empirical ground-state dipole moment function of CO molecule in the entire range of inter-atomic separation
  10. Babikov Yu.L., Nikitin A.V., Rodina A., Starikova E., Rey M., Viglaska D., Chizhmakova I.S., Sheremet N., Tretiakov A., Egorov O.V., Tyuterev Vl.G.
    Current status of the TheoReTS information system: infrared spectra of 4-7 atomic molecules computed from high accuracy potential energy and dipole moment surfaces
  11. Yuen Ch.H., Kokoouline V., Gatti F., Tyuterev Vl.G.
    Real time dynamics of the reactive scattering 16O16O + 18O <=> 18O16O + 16O
  12. Tajti A., Szalay P., Kochanov R.V., Tyuterev Vl.G.
    DBOC-corrected vibrational energy level calculations for 666, 777, and 888 isotopologues of ozone