The XX Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 03-07, 2023, lake Baikal, Irkutsk, Russia
Participant Organizations
Organization: St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russia
List of reports:
- Tolstoy P.M., Tupikina E.Yu., Mulloyarova V.V., Asfin R.E., Kostin M.A., Alkhuder O., Chakalov E.R.
Diagnostics of the geometry of intermolecular complexes using the combination of advantages of IR and NMR spectroscopy
- Buturlimova M.V., Bulychev V.P., Tokhadze K.G.
Calculation of structures, energetics and infrared absorption spectra of hydrogen-bonded dimers and trimers formed by formaldehyde with hydrogen fluoride 
- Asfin R.E., Domanskaya A.V., Maul C.
Self-perturbed rovibrational lines in the region of the first overtone of HBr. What I have learned from my mistakes 
- Rutkowski K.S., Melikova S.M.
Сryospectroscopic and ab initio studies of noncovalent interactions between volatile anesthetics (enflurane, isoflurane) and dimethyl ether. Spectroscopic evidence of trimer formation
- Bulanin K.M., Smirnov M.B., Pankin D.V., Roginski E.M., Mikheleva A.Yu., Selivanov N.I., Emeline A.V., Rudakova A.V.
Spectroscopic investigation of pyridinium ordering in hybrid low-dimensional perovskite PyPbBr3 
- Makarova M.V., Poberovskii A.V., Polyakov A.V., Imkhasin H.H., Ionov D.V., Kostsov V.S., Makarov B.K., Foka S.Ch.
Long-term FTIR-monitoring of the atmosphere at the St. Petersburg State University 
- Makarova M.V., Ionov D.V., Imkhasin H.H., Poberovskii A.V., Polyakov A.V., Kostsov V.S., Makarov B.K., Foka S.Ch.
Retrieval of NO2 tropospheric column by ground-based FTIR observations of direct solar radiation
- Kouzov A.P., Filippov N.N., Egorova N.I., Asfin R.E.
Collisional transformation of the complex vibrational susceptibility of a linear molecule: the ν3 band of CO2 as a guiding example
- Asfin R.E., Diachkova O.O., Katunov T.D.
Broadening and shifting coefficients of rovibrational lines in the first overtone of HF perturbed by He
- Anikin A.A.
Energy spectra of light one-electron matter-antimatter quasimolecules 
- Danilov A.
Precision relativistic calculation of the energy spectrum of one-electron quasimolecules as function of a internuclear distance