The XV Symposium on High Resolution Molecular Spectroscopy
July 18-21, 2006, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia
July 19

L. Sinitsa, O. sulakshina, A. Campargue, K. Firsov

S. Mikhailenko, Time-table for July, 19

Invited lecture. M. Child

Chair A. Kosterev and speaker A. Stolyarov

S. Civis and guest speaker R. Georges

Guest speaker L. Gianfrani

V.N. Saveliev, T.M. Petrova, O.V. Naumenko

V. Perevalov, G.-S. Cheng, O. Boyarkin, I. Sherstov

Coffee break

Coffee break

M.Yu. Balashov, M. Koshelev, O. Kharchenko

A. Campargue and S.-M. Hu

Poster session. Vl.G. Tyuterev and S. Shirin (Poster D12)

T. Chesnokova, K. Firsov and A. Barbe

R. Imasu, A. Kozodoev, Yu. Kalugina

Poster session D. S. Lokshtanov

Discussions. L.N. Sinitsa and A. Campargue

Poster session D. Discussion around D23

Poster session D

D10 and D11 posters - hot discussions

V.I. Perevalov: What news for HCN? (Poster D21)

R. Imasu: CO2 retrieval for GOSAT mission

The Volga river before thunderstorm

The Volga river before thunderstorm

The Volga river before thunderstorm

The thunderstorm on the Volga

The thunderstorm on the Volga

HighRus in the cloudburst